Vishnu Chegondi


We will see about how TLS encryption works, what are different types of encryptions available in cypher suites. How forward secrecy is maintained using DH key exchange algorithm. First look at d...

Files and Directories

Files are the most fundamental abstraction of Linux. In Linux everything-is-a-file. Regular Files The most common files we interact daily to store data are labeled as regualar files in linux. R...

Kubernetes inside Docker Image

This post runs you through the process of running kubernetes inside containers. This is mostly useful when you want to test some applications which interact with kubernetes configuration. Example:...

Web Authorizations

We are going to see different types of Authorizations. Before going to that why we need a Authorization and session management in Web Applications. HTTP is a stateless protocol means each reques...

Asynchronous Programming

For understanding the asynchronous, we start from the synchronous or sequenctial programming where each intruction of your python code is executed one by one by interpreter. Let us move into a ...


Docker is a program developed using Go Lang(systems Language) which manages the kernel of your machine to create and maintain container infra structure This post mainly covers the docker as a p...

Open SSL Encryption

This is used to add security to your web while transmitting the user information between server and client(browser).This is done by Encryption of data between server and client. If the browser iden...

Meta vs Abstract vs Parent Classes

In python everything is a object. Considering this MetaClass is a class whose instances are classes. We can not create any instance using abstract class. Parent class is a classs we j...